Christian Wood’s ex-girlfriend goes viral for savage reaction to losing custody battle.

Lakers big man Christian Wood may have been awarded full custody of his infant son, but his baby momma seems completely unbothered. In a post on her Instagram story, Wood’s ex-girlfriend Yasmine Lopez responded after the court’s ruling — much to the shock and displeasure of the fans.

As Wood prepares for life as a single dad, it seems Miss Lopez doesn’t have a care in the world to give about her own flesh and blood. Despite losing custody of her child, Yasmine is determined not to let it get in the way of her fun, and many are struggling to believe how she can be so nonchalant about this whole ordeal.

But in the case of Wood and his ex, it’s a relationship that’s probably better off dead. Their history is nothing short of toxic, and that fact was put on full display back in February when things took a turn for the worse.

Following a misunderstanding between Wood and his son’s babysitter, Lopez turned against Wood and took out her anger by jumping a fence and vandalizing his car. She was arrested by police that night for trespassing (among other things) and Wood was eventually granted a temporary restraining order that forced her to stay away for good.

While Christian Wood did eventually win the custody battle in the end, it’s sad to see how much of an impact a toxic romance can have on everyone involved, from the partners to the children caught in the middle. The NBA, of course, is no stranger to these types of relationships but it never gets any easier to hear about the fallout that happens when families break apart.

As for Wood, while his play did take a noticeable dip during these endeavors, he still had his moments to shine on the basketball court. Off the bench for the Lakers, he averaged 6.9 points and 5.1 rebounds per game on 46% shooting. With a player option for the 2024-25 campaign, Wood is likely to return to the Lakers for one last ride and he’ll finally have an opportunity to play through the distractions and prove his worth once and for all.