July 4, 2024

The McGregor Rumour Is Disquieting Because Celtic’s Season Has Had That Kind Of Luck…..

Image for The McGregor Rumour Is Disquieting Because Celtic’s Season Has Had That Kind Of Luck.

Over the weekend, The Daily Record apparently ran a claim that Callum McGregor will be out for the rest of the season. I know this because a couple of the Celtic fan media sites ran stories linking to The Record piece in which this claim was made.

Oddly enough, that claim was not in those articles when I clicked on the link to see for myself, in an effort to find out where this lurid piece of speculation had come from. Speculation is all the rage right now around our club.

Image for The McGregor Rumour Is Disquieting Because Celtic’s Season Has Had That Kind Of Luck.

I saw one headline yesterday morning that claimed Rodgers would definitely not be at Celtic next season and that the decision has already been made. I know no more than that, because I didn’t bother to click on the report, which not a single outlet anywhere has bothered with, a sure sign that something is made up nonsense since our lazy media will almost always pick up and run with any story no matter how daft it might prove to be.

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