July 4, 2024

BREAKING NEWS : Bernardo’s Portuguese Goal Really Changes The Equation In Relation To Celtic due to …..

Celtic 2-1 Rangers: Who impressed? Paulo Bernardo - BBC Sport

It sounds tempting to think that Celtic could purchase a Portuguese international for a just £6 million.
It sounds tempting to think that Celtic could purchase a Portuguese international for a just £6 million.

After Bernardo played and scored for his national team last night, that is where we are right now. I felt happy for him. We won’t be harmed by his increased self-assurance while he’s at the club.

However, how does it address the summertime query we have about him? It undoubtedly modifies it. Does it, however, always make a positive difference? I’m not familiar with that.

You would want to see him produce better footballer than he has thus far.

I like him. Just not enough.

We are working with finite resources here. The rebuild we require to avoid another season like this one, with its fits and starts and lack of forward progress, is not a small one.

Can we really afford to take a punt like this at that cost? A punt is still what this would be. You could, if your scouting was up to snuff, get two pretty good players for that cash or one really good one, one that you are sure about, one who can really make a difference.

Image for Bernardo’s Portuguese Goal Really Changes The Equation In Relation To Celtic.

And of course, last night has raised another question, a darker question; would we get Bernardo to stay now that he’s a full international?

As I said earlier in the week, in the Butland article, the media here is forever fond of reminding us that players who want to play for these countries just don’t stay in Scotland if they have a say in that … Bernardo, if he winds up in the Euros squad, will have plenty of options to go elsewhere.

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