July 4, 2024

SHOCKING NEWS :The Celtic First Team Star has Commit …..

While many fans have their eyes fixed on Roco Vata and his contract saga, there’s another story brewing that’s just as intriguing. This one’s about Liam Scales, who has become a key player for the team.

Despite the buzz around Vata, Scales’ situation could have bigger implications for Celtic, especially since he hasn’t signed a new contract the club offered him a while back.

Scales’ journey with Celtic is a bit of a fairy tale. He was almost sent back to Aberdeen at the beginning of the season, but then a stroke of luck changed everything. Injuries in the team meant Celtic needed him to stay. Scales grabbed this chance and shone brightly in the early part of the season. However, football can be a rollercoaster, and lately, Scales hasn’t seemed as commanding or as productive on the ball.

His current deal with Celtic ends in the summer of 2025. The big question hanging in the air is whether Scales sees his future with Celtic after this summer. Brendan Rodgers clearly believes in him, as Scales continues enjoy plenty of game time.
This could mean that Rodgers thinks Scales is still committed to the team and it’s only a matter of time before the player signs a new deal. But with the summer transfer window approaching, and the possibility of new players coming in, Scales might be thinking about his place in the team.

If he stays, Scales could end up being a backup, much like Anthony Ralston has been—a vital role that keeps the team strong, however, it’s not a role Liam would likely relish. With his value possibly at its peak, Scales is in a good position to negotiate a great deal for himself, and who could blame him, so it stands to reason he’s holding out.

Liam Scales

Last summer, fans and the club were okay with the idea of him leaving, but now, the ball’s in his court. Will he stick with Celtic, or is this summer the end of the road?

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