July 6, 2024

wo truths about professional spring football have emerged.

One is that the landscape changes annually. Coaches, players, teams, rules and even leagues come and go in the churn.

Another is that as long as there is a team in St. Louis, whether it calls the XFL home or this newly named UFL, football fans here will welcome it with open arms.

A third truth is nearing a lock here locally.

As long as Anthony Becht is the coach, the Battlehawks are in good hands.

“I love it,” Becht said during his recent swing through St. Louis to promote next month’s training camp and a March 30 league kickoff. “This is a great opportunity for me. I don’t take it lightly. Knowing the game of football, knowing how to be a leader, I understand the qualities players want in a head coach.

“Putting it all together, having a plan, building a culture, winning football games, building a tradition, those are the things I’m learning on the go, because I have to prove myself in that aspect. Year one was great. A great launching pad for me. I’m incredibly grateful for the opportunity not to just coach but to be given the responsibility of coaching in St. Louis. It’s the No. 1 (spring football) market. It’s the biggest fan base. For them to trust me to do that, again, just excited about it. Can’t wait for year two.”

Anthony Becht (@Anthony_Becht) / X

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