July 6, 2024

The glitter has been swept away. Every aircraft has departed from Las Vegas. The NFL season has come to an end.

And with it, my first year of overseeing the Power Rankings is coming to an end—at least with regard to the 2023 NFL season. From this moment on, all eyes are focused on the healing new beginning of another offseason.

Dan Hanzus (@DanHanzus) / X

For every NFL fan, it’s a depressing period when hope is given away like sweets every few passing plays. The threat of free agency is imminent. In the distant, the draft is not too far away. Everything is conceivable!

Rather, I would like to spend the remainder of this introduction to express my gratitude to you, my readers, for bearing with me as I made my way through Power Ranking this season. Dan Hanzus, my predecessor, set the standard high and was a great resource for me; I was often referring to his earlier work to see how he handled things. Along the road, I also had a ton of extra help from both inside and outside the organization.

Sincerely, I appreciate that you have been critical of my ranks. I would worry that you didn’t care if you didn’t. However, you do. Furthermore, what do you know? You were frequently correct and I was not. On occasion, the opposite was true. However, the majority of your critique was valid.

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