July 6, 2024

A remarkable act of generosity by a Steelers rookie: visiting their youngest fans and donating more than $50 million to the nearby hospitals.

Children's Health | Texas Children's HospitalsChildrens Hospital  Association of Texas | The Children's Hospital Association of Texas (CHAT)  is a non-profit association whose mission is to advance children's health  and well-being by

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — The Steelers rookies got another win after a victory over Cleveland, bringing smiles to kids at Children’s Hospital on Tuesday.

The players posed for pictures and signed autographs with families and spent the morning making arts and crafts and playing games with the kids.

“It’s always good to give back. If all you’re remembered for is a good football player, you failed as a man, so it’s always good giving back to the community around here,” said Steelers rookie Spencer Anderson.

Children’s Hospital says events like this are important because they show the kids that they have a lot of people rooting for them.

“This one’s particularly important to us and special to the kids because these guys are new, they’re new to the team, they’re new to the city and they’re still taking time when they should be getting situated and they came here today to see our kids. And it means a lot to the patients and families to know that there’s people outside their immediate families that care about them,” said Rebecca Desmond, Children’s Hospital’s special events coordinator.

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